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Our community is loving Fluen Plus

Jonathan Taylor

CEO at Creativex

OMG! I cannot believe that I have my entire library on Fluen . Great app to meet friends!

Gavin Park

CEO at Orbital

Fluen is great for creating fun & unusual relationships! It actually takes less time…

Betty Norton

Freelance Designer

Whenever I need to better understand passages from reads, Fluen is my solution…

Meet interest friends

Fluen is about showcasing your bookshelf rather than just your looks making it the heart of interesting conversations. Swipe to meet interesting friends locally or from all over the world, find interesting books by browsing other people's libraries and keep track of what others are reading.


Find your perfect partner in reading

With thousands of unique matches, easily build fruitful and long lasting relationships.


A book club for the world

With millions of unique books & reviews you can find a great read and build your library in seconds.

The world is your oyster

Why limit your friends to those that live in your neighborhood? If you've ever been curious about different cultures and places, you might have a desire to make friends from all around the world.

Your bookshelf for the world to see

Its a pleasant way for people from other countries to converse about various books, and give others a fresh perspective especially from different parts of our world.

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